Scala mining statistics

I thought to myself; 
"Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a list containing hashrates of different devices and CPU's mining Scala (XLA)?"... So, I made it happen. Simple as that! :) 

Scala (XLA) Mining statistics


Mobiles & tablets statistics


Desktops, servers and laptops
ID CPU Operating system Hashrate h/s
CPU Operating system Hashrate h/s

Frequently Asked Questions.

Feel free to contact us with your questions!
What is Scala (XLA)?
Please visit the official website to find out more.
How do I start mining Scala?
It's a lot easier than you might think! You set up a wallet, install the miner and press a button. It's actually that easy :)
You find all the information on the official Scala website 
Want to CPU mine? Check out my easy tutorial for beginners! 
What does hashrate mean?
Hashrate is a representation of how powerful your device is. It's a measurement of how fast it is capable of hashing and it is usually measured in hashes per second. The higher your hashrate, the faster you are able to process information on the Scala network. 
How profitable is the mining?
The easiest way to determine how much XLA your hashrate will generate you can use an online calculator. I can recommend MinerStats calculator
When was the data collected?
I will add a date column as soon as more devices get added. Right now, all the data is from the Twitter competition/giveaway 24 feb. 2021. A few entries are from submissions (thanks everyone!) beginning of march 2021.
Will you be adding CPU data too?
Absolutely! CPU hashrates have been added!
This website is not associated with the Scala project. I'm just a nerd who wants to help Scala, its users and miners grow. 
Feeling generous? I appreciate a beer or two ;)
2021, ScalaStats. Made with 💖 by HajTech